The future of mobile security

by | Sep 1, 2017 | Business Mobile, Business Telecom Services, Security

As a result of recent cybersecurity attacks, concerns for online and mobile security have increased.

The future of mobile security

With hackers’ skills evolving, it is becoming more difficult to stay one step ahead and to find ways to stop these attacks.

The biggest threat to mobile security is the Internet of Things (IoT). Forecasts say that by 2020, there will be as many as 21 billion connected devices used by business and individuals around the world, which makes the potential threat huge.

Connected devices are used in everything from manufacturing to healthcare and this gives attackers the opportunity to use aggressive and confrontational tactics, according to a joint report from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the National Crime Agency (NCA). The rise in mobile ransomware attacks as a result of IoT in 2016 involved hackers carrying out large-scale attacks on poorly secured networks and end-points.

These attacks were mostly carried out using Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks – when a network of computers is infected with a botnet. This coordinates a bombarding of the server’s traffic until it can no longer cope.

A large-scale attack on US company, Dyn, last year, hit by the Mirai botnet, caused a stir because of the way it utilised the Internet of Things, hijacking devices such as digital cameras and DVD players. This form of attack gave the malware an estimated 100,000 malicious endpoints. It highlighted the weakness of the IoT devices, which gave the hackers to access sensitive information and enabled them to infect further networks.

Other mobile botnets include Pegasus, which targets phones because of the sensitive data they contain, such as confidential emails, texts and images. There has also been a rise in malicious applications disguised as real apps. These give hackers access to information such as credit card and banking details and some more advance ones can use it to gain access to other information on the victim’s phones.

How do companies combat this type of malware?

  • Increased governance and regulation of IoT
  • End-to-end encryption for both networks and devices
  • Scalable encryption
  • Sandboxing – ensures applications can only operate in a controlled environment and are restricted in access to other areas of the device

Mobile devices act as personal computers, handling sensitive information and personal details. Mobiles were not designed with security in mind, but they are now the biggest threat to both consumer and enterprise security.

Business mobile solutions with MF Telecom Services

MF Telecom Services works with leading mobile networks to ensure we have access to the best deals available with coverage in the right areas for you. We also analyse your mobile usage to ensure you have the best tariff for your business requirements and provide advise to ensure you keep your devices secure.

To discuss your business mobile requirements from a reputable, independent telecoms company, or to request a quote, please contact us, or call 01892 577 577.

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